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Vista High School

Message to Families About School Threats

In light of the increasing number of school threats across the state and nation, including our own community, I am writing to ask you to please:

  1. Talk with your child(ren) about the importance of immediately discussing information that could be considered threatening to our community with a responsible adult.
  2. Stress the importance of not forwarding or sharing online threats because doing so compromises police investigations.
  3. Discuss with your child(ren) the seriousness of making threats to schools. They could face expulsion and face a number of charges that can be filed against them– including numerous felony offenses. 

We ask you to call 911 if you become aware of an immediate threat.  Otherwise, call law enforcement non-emergency lines in the City of Yuma (928-783-4421), Yuma County (928-783-4427), Somerton (928-722-7300), and San Luis (928-341-2402) when you have information related to the safety of our schools and community. 

We are proud of our relationships with local law enforcement agencies and first responders as we work cooperatively to ensure the safety of our students and staff. 

Most importantly, we are attempting to promote a culture where everyone in our community has a responsibility to be vigilant and focused on safety.