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Vista High School

School Social Worker

Our Mission

The Mission of the Social Work Department in Yuma Union High School District is to support, encourage and advocate for our students while working in collaboration with families and communities to remove barriers to school. We prioritize our students mental, emotional, and physical health as they move towards greater independence.

All seven campuses within Yuma Union High School District house a School Social Worker. 

School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals who support a student’s social and emotional needs while reducing barriers to academic success. School Social Workers listen, support, advocate, collaborate with and empower students in a variety of ways. 

Here are the ways we, as School Social Workers, support our students: 

What We Provide Our Students: 

  • Provide confidential, short-term  individual counseling. 
  • Run group on topics such as Anger Management; Drug & Alcohol; Healthy Relationships & Boundary Setting; DBT for Emotional Regulation; Stress & Self-Care and Grief & Loss.
  • Support students during times of crisis.
  • Mediate conflict.
  • Link students with resources in the community that support mental and emotional health.
  • Attend IEP meetings.
  • Support students under the McKinney-Vento Act 
  • Visit the home of students who are truant. 
  • Report suspected child abuse and neglect. 

How We Support Our Families: 

  • Work with families on problem solving to meet the needs of the student.
  • Offer support and assistance in getting resources.
  • Listen to and validate our families needs. 
  • Refer guardians to services they may need. 

Partnering With Our Community: 

  • Work with case manager’s, therapists, agencies, etc. involved in our student’s lives. 
  • Empower students by encouraging service to their community.
  • Working with local agencies to offer presentations to our students on mental health.